Try Three Of My Favourite Relaxation Links

dreaming woman

Image by: MissGong & The Flickers

The first one is by Learning Meditation.

It has short audio mediation guides that are perfect for brief relaxation sessions at the office.

If you wish you can also use the text format to read and record in your own voice. Also read about how to create your own meditation guide HERE.

For peaceful streaming music I suggest Sleepbot.

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How To Avoid Over-Thinking

thinking woman

Image by munibren

You’ve probably experienced your own spiral of thoughts that lead to aimless rumination and often results in feelings of anxiety and hyperactivity or sleepless nights, to name but a few effects.

Example: You’ve just comfortably tucked yourself into bed, even started to think about something tranquil and beautiful, when slowly, and at first unconsciously, distracting thoughts creep into your previously calm mind:

A “brilliant” creative idea pops up. How can I get started? What does it look like?

What about this dreadful meeting tomorrow? Am I sufficiently prepared?

Then pictures of the last horrific news report sneak in? How terrible that was….

As if that could stop the keen chatter in your head, you put your hands on your ears in a desperate attempt to escape this mental self-chatter.

But wait; here are some suggestions that really help to avoid over-thinking:

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TAKE A 5 MINUTE BREAK: Watch this video, lean back and relax.

Time To Get Some Green Houseplants. Want To Know Why?

pot plant

It is known that just looking at green houseplants can help people relax, by beneficially altering brainwave activity to boost alpha waves in the right side of the brain. On a more practical level, indoor plants with small leaves help reduce noise in office building by around 20%, making it easier for people to work effectively and peacefully. Read the rest of this entry »