Here Is Why A Faked Smile Is Good For You

red smiling bendy man

Image by

I know we usually despise people for giving us a fake smile to hide the fact that they are actually dozing off on the inside. However, the fake smile can be a kind of ‘brain manipulation tool’ for those low mood days. Apparently, according to some studies, the brain can’t distinguish between a fake and genuine smile and graciously releases endorphins, natural painkillers and serotonin, which work together to make you feel good, even though you tricked it into lifting your mood. It’s said that it’s actually impossible to feel genuinely angry at the same time.

I must confess, I tried it and it really works. Recently, after work I felt quite stressed and my mood wasn’t the best; so I was putting on a medium sized , friendly smile while I was walking along the street. Keep in mind: A smile that is too broad can raise unwanted attention and people might think you’re nuts.:-) Read the rest of this entry »

Did You Ever Have A Job As A Battery Chicken?

plastic chicks

Image by hisks

I don’t know what it is with me – but whenever I ended up in a horrible job, I started to see myself, colleagues and supervisors as animals.

The battery chicken

Once I worked for an IT recruitment company where all employees would sit at close range side by side with a team leader right in front of them. I felt like a battery chicken with hectic and loud clucking sounds all around me. We would sit for hours on our feathery butts, deprived of any kind of personal freedom of expression, trying to produce as many contracts as possible.

If you were successful you had the honour of sounding the company gong as a sign of personal achievement. I still have to laugh about it when I think about the keen Uber-cockerel that had just secured three deals. He would stride up to the gong, head up high and sound the gong three times, with every sound his chicken breast would swell a bit more. Read the rest of this entry »

Fun Stuff: Simple, Useful And Drolly Inventions

From time to time I have ideas for strange or unusual inventions myself, which I might even write down, but never implement. Others do – silly me:

child licking dough

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How To Avoid Over-Thinking

thinking woman

Image by munibren

You’ve probably experienced your own spiral of thoughts that lead to aimless rumination and often results in feelings of anxiety and hyperactivity or sleepless nights, to name but a few effects.

Example: You’ve just comfortably tucked yourself into bed, even started to think about something tranquil and beautiful, when slowly, and at first unconsciously, distracting thoughts creep into your previously calm mind:

A “brilliant” creative idea pops up. How can I get started? What does it look like?

What about this dreadful meeting tomorrow? Am I sufficiently prepared?

Then pictures of the last horrific news report sneak in? How terrible that was….

As if that could stop the keen chatter in your head, you put your hands on your ears in a desperate attempt to escape this mental self-chatter.

But wait; here are some suggestions that really help to avoid over-thinking:

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Happy Journeys: Write Checklists Of Places To Visit


Photo by: nkzs’s

Remember when I wrote about how to make the most of your journeys, in particular visiting big cities? Jim Krause in his book, Creative Sparks, has also some great ideas on how to make your journey a special one:

Maintain a continually evolving checklist of places that you would like to visit and experience – places far and near, exotic and ordinary. There are no time-limits or imperatives associated with this list, but it should be honored; try to obey it in time.

The next time you find yourself with an hour or a day (or more) to spend freely, consult your list. Pick a place, pick several. Go. Read the rest of this entry »

How To Change Your Mood With Little Effort

blue sea with rock

By Jessica Hupp with kind permission from Bootstrapper

Even the most happy-go-lucky person in the world has a bad mood now and then, but the difference between moving on and having a bad day all depends on what you do about it. There are plenty of ways to shake off a funky mood, and we’ve listed 100 of the best ways to do it here.


If you’re feeling unlike yourself, get out there and do something you like to do.
1. Play with a pet: Unless you’ve got a particularly surly animal, playing with a pet is sure to pick up your mood.
2. Cook: Chop up some vegetables or tenderize some meat to take out your frustrations. Do even better by cooking food that’s found to improve your mood.
3. Dance: Loosen up and lose yourself in music and movement to shake off a sour mood.
4. Sing: Sing something upbeat, and you can’t help but feel happy.
5. Play games: Concentrate on a game to get your mind off of whatever’s bringing you down.
6. Watch a movie: Lose yourself in a movie to feel better.
7. Get a massage: Let someone work out the kinks, and you’ll come out with a nicer mood.
8. Get a mani/pedi: Get pampered, and you can’t help but feel good.
9. Garden: Interact with nature and get some sunshine, and you’ll feel better. Check out these tips to find out how you can improve your garden and mood at the same time.
10. Play guitar: Think about chords, and you won’t be able to dwell on your troubles.
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Three questions I use to help me think about design

hand drawing questionmark

From Michael, author of Box of Crayons:

1. What will I stand for?

Because design is meant to enhance what’s going on. So what’s at the core of this? What do you want? What do you want to stand for?

2. What can I remove?

Many of us unwittingly follow this rule: When in doubt, add more stuff. I tend to favour the Einstein approach: “Things should be as simple as possible, and no simpler.”

So what’s excess to requirements? What can you cut? What’s essential? (and therefore, what’s not?)

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How To Get People Exited About Your Ideas?

 light bulp with spider legs

picture by clix

Lay The Foundation

Before you discuss your ideas with someone else, make sure you’re already in their good books. Be sure to have done something for the other person ahead of time. Because we feel obligated to return favours, it’s easier to win people round this way.

Use Comparison

How we respond to a person or a request depends on what came before and what other information sits beside it in the picture. Point out why your suggestion is easier to implement or more cost-effective than the alternatives, and others will be more likely to agree.

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The Philosophy Starter Kit

thinking man

Are you interested in Philosophy and want to learn more about it? If you don’t know where to begin I recommend to check out the following pages:

Philosophy Manuscripts

The Philosophy Manuscripts cover many aspects of the subject, aimed at helping the beginner navigate his or her way around the terminology, concepts and arguments. Most entries in the introductory series include a dialogue to put the ideas into context.

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How You Can Let Your Dreams Inspire You

woman waking up on sofa

Stephen King wrote the novel Misery after a transatlantic flight, during which he dreamed about the main character. Others dreamed about better ways to work and create. Try these technique that will make your dreams work for you: Read the rest of this entry »